The Lammers Saxophone

Here is my old silver Lammers alto saxophone. My old band director game me this instrument shortly after giving me the Triumph EEb tuba. I kept it in it's smelly old black case with purple lining for years and had it overhauled in 1987. I learned to play or at least become somewhat proficient on it. It plays on the sharp side hich could probably be corrected with a better mouthpiece and some fine tuning adjustments.

I bought a gig bag for it and a big yellow fuzzy pad saver for it. The Lammers is a stencil copy of some kind. The engraving on the satin and silver finish say it's from Lammers Music House Cincinati, Ohio. I'm not up on what company made this instrument. The finish is still good and there is minimal wear on the body. The neck looks almost gold with 85% ofthe lacquer worn off. There are a few small dents in it, but they are small.